Ship Security Alert Service

In a security situation, rapid response is vital. So, when we developed SSAS Management, we designed every feature to make managing ship security alerts and tests simpler and quicker. We streamlined processes, reduced visual distractions and focused on what was important to you – ensuring your vessel and crew are safe.

The reliable web-based and mobile applications allow you to manage alerts and tests from your office, home or mobile, to give you confidence that, in the event of an incident, you are ready to respond immediately, no matter where you are.


A complete SSAS management system that allows CSOs and DPAs to manage security alerts and respond to incidents – from the office, home or mobile.

Unlike some ship security alert systems that limit you to just three alert recipients or require technician to go aboard to correct a misspelled email address, SSAS Management gives you control from the shore.

SSAS Management gives you the freedom to manage incidents, start tests and respond to alerts anywhere, anytime, from any device – on your desktop, laptop, tablet or smartphone.

Mobile & tablet: Designed to provide fast, easy access to essential features and functions. With the SSAS Management app for iOS and Android, you can be con dent that, in the event of a security incident, you will be ready to respond immediately.

Desktop & laptop: A powerful web-based SSAS management application with a suite of advanced features that allow you to manage risks, improve operational efficiency and reduce operational expenses.

In the event of an incident, rapid response is vital. But, equally important is avoiding panic and ensuring that safety and security procedures are executed properly.

The Alert Checklist supports a systematic approach to help minimise anxiety and maximise efficiency. With the alert procedure checklist, you can make sure key tasks aren’t forgotten.

With customised test profiles that reflect your business’s testing procedures, you can be confident that test notifications are distributed according to your company’s policies.

By providing a chronological record of your fleet’s testing and alert activity, the archive helps you to demonstrate compliance, manage risk and improve security.

Demonstrate Compliance: The archive can be used as proof of regulatory compliance during an inspection or survey and can help you fulfil record-keeping requirements for compliance purposes.

Risk Management: The archive can play an important part in your overall risk management strategy, demonstrating to stakeholders and regulators your efforts to protect against and prevent potential problems before they occur. It can also help to protect you from liability during arbitration.

Increased Security: By providing a chronological record of the sequence of events during an alert or test, the archive can help you proactively identify failures in procedure or areas for improvement.


Create unlimited alert and test recipients on a per ship or fleet basis, edit recipients as often as required, select the notification format (email, SMS, fax or Telex) and verify delivery with notification status information, all within your Pole Star account. By removing the need for a technician to attend each time an edit is required, SSAS Management can save you valuable time and money while ensuring that the right people are notified as quickly as possible.

SSAS Management automatically displays alerts, tests and position reports from the onboard SSAS hardware in the web-based SSAS Management service to give you complete situational awareness in the event of a security situation.

Quick and easy overview of where and when an alert was triggered for enhanced situational awareness.

The SSAS Management app for iOS and Android gives you the freedom to manage incidents anywhere, anytime.

Instantly check which ships are nearby, so you can divert them towards or away from the incident.

A complete, chronological record of your fleet’s testing and alert activity. Helps you demonstrate compliance, manage risk and improve security.

Create alert checklists to ensure that safety and security procedures are followed carefully in the event of an incident and key tasks are not forgotten.

Big, interactive maps (including C-Map, terrain, street and satellite) with features including: zoom, pan, weather, zones and distance measurement tool.

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